Tuia ki te rangi
Tuia ki te whenua
Tuia ki te moana
Tuia ki te herenga tāngata
Ka rongo te pō
Ka rongo te ao
Tēnā tātou e te whānau,
Re: Year 6 Prizegiving 2022.
We welcome parents and whānau of year 6 tamariki to join us at school or via the Facebook livestream for this celebratory event. We are proud to say that all of our year 6 tamariki will receive an award at this hui due to lots of skills and attitudes that we have seen develop over the time we have had your tamariki.
As kaiako, these events bring much pride, reflection, and appreciation for progress big or small, not just academically, but through culture, sports, friendships, leadership, and many other areas. We know that all of our tamariki bring their own special flare to our school, how lucky are we!
Please refer to our invitation for details. We look forward to hosting this event and sharing in the celebrations with our tamariki, whānau, community, and special guests.
E mihi ana,
Senior teachers.
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